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Poetry and Mindfulness

"My arm for a pillow,

I really like myself under the hazy moon."

Yosa Buson

A meeting of mindfulness and compassion practices alongside inspiring writing.

Poetry creates a sense of common humanity: a shared feeling or experience connects us to each other and the world around us. It is human to meet difficulty and distress at different times in our lives. It can be supportive, enjoyable and healing to come together and share the pain and joy of living.  

These sessions are welcoming and will use creative mindfulness and compassion practices alongside poems and prose.  You may be a published writer or write as an enjoyable hobby or simply enjoy the pleasure and richness of reading other peoples poems. Absolutely no experience is necessary.

We allow the thinking, judging mind to rest. We become quiet and receptive, experiencing the words through our body and heart. Letting go of the pressure to understand or critique, we instead become emotionally connected and curious. We share and reflect in a safe, friendly, inclusive space. 

"You are the sky. Everything else - it's just the weather" Pema Chodrun.

​Some interesting themes to explore: Nature and wellbeing, living with change and loss, acceptance, joy and beauty, connectedness, relationships. Or perhaps you have your own suggestions to offer.

I want to share my passion for poetry and prose and the way it enhances our ability to live more easeful, connected and creative lives. I believe if approached in a supportive, enjoyable way it has a deeply beneficial effect. We often have distinct yet shared experiences, this can often be reflected in the poems and writings of others. Let's explore what moves you, what attracts and nourishes you ...... lets incline towards this resource and understand its potency.


Several of my poems have been published by Mindfulness UK and used in their resources on the Compassionate Mindful Resilience course.


You can read more about my relationship to poetry in my blog:

Mindfulness Meditation & Poetry


Be  Here

Slip softly into stillness

one tender hand over another

Feel grace elevate your spirit

into the joy of a crisp new moment.

Be the faithful breath swelling

in your smooth belly

a silky glide of air around lungs

Be cherry bright blood in a myriad of veins.

In this moment's deep embrace

allow a rise of all moods

Hear days delight and heartbreak

Nights comfort and bitter scorn

Then be held by the blessing of our turning earth-

Gentle renewal through light to darkness

to yet one more awakening to sunrise

And as burdens quiet and wild

spill from soothed shoulders

follow your kind hearts whisper:

where to love, when to let be and what to lose

Helen Potts

For more information please get in touch

Happy to help with your enquiry. I will always do my best to accommodate your needs

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